Does your child snore, grind your teeth, or have frequent headaches? Do they have speech concerns, food aversions, or a tongue/lip tie? Myofunctional therapy could improve these symptoms and help your child thrive.
At Posh Dental, our myofunctional therapist, Dr. Denise, assesses the patient’s facial muscles to see how and where any underperformance is occurring. She develops a personalized plan of exercises to correct the issues by helping the facial muscles function correctly. Bad habits are often the cause of these issues and if untreated can lead to more complex and painful issues with chewing, swallowing, and speech. Breathing, bite, and posture can all be improved with myofunctional therapy and lead to better overall health.
Oral myofunctional disorders can affect people of all ages and the earlier the intervention, the better the results. The function and development of facial structures can be affected when the lip, jaw, or tongue is in an abnormal position. Without correction, symptoms can last a lifetime. Causes of underperforming facial muscles can be the result of a variety of factors including a deviated septum, enlarged tonsils, and a misaligned bite.
We want to replace bad habits with healthy habits. Posh Dental therapy treatment is personalized based on age, symptoms, and unique needs. Throughout a period of 8-10 months, a patient will typically undergo twelve sessions with Dr. Denise. With exercises to transform habits, a patient can improve pain levels, sleep-disordered breathing, clenching and grinding, open-mouth breathing, posture, and overall health. They will also have at home tongue and lip strengthening exercises to continue the improvement and maintain positive oral myofunctional habits.
We want to help at Posh Dental. That’s why we’re here for you when you need us. You can make an appointment and we’ll talk with you about your child’s symptoms and assess any underperforming facial muscles. Once we determine if you can benefit from myofunctional therapy, we will set up an appropriate treatment plan with personalized solutions for your child’s unique needs.